Junk Removal Services in Bloomington, IN
Best rates + Best Service
Junk Removal Services Bloomington, IN
Bloomington Housecleaning is more than just a cleaning service, we can also assist you with those tough to tackle junk removal projects you might have. Whether you have old appliances or furniture you need gone, or a garage full of stuff from the 1800’s we can help. Our professional junk removal specialists will come out and inspect the situation and get it out of your hair before you know it.
We also can help landlords, homeowners, renters with property cleanouts which can help you save time and money when you are trying to get a property in order quickly. We offer great service from a reliable company (our company also owns Anthony’s Lawn Care & Landscaping).
What Kinds of Junk Removal Do We Do?
Yard Cleanup
Recycling & Donations
Garage Cleanup
Attic Cleanup
Construction Debris Cleanup
Call for other types
Affordable Rates + Great Service = An Easy Decision
Call to get a free estimate
Residential Housecleaning
Whether you are looking for a one-off cleaning or a bi-monthly plan, we can clean your home and let you enjoy what matters most to you.
Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning
We have some of the best rates in town for Move-In & Move Out Cleaning. Let us make the process easy for you or your tenants.